Ricoh GR Limited Edition. High Contrast JPEG mode. 1/1600th sec f/2.8 @ ISO 800. Green Lake. |
What is a vacation? For some it's a chance to get away from work and relax. For others it's the opportunity to do something exciting, something different from our daily routine. How about spending time with our family and friends? Yes, vacation can mean different things for different people. As an example, I would hate to be stuck on a cruise, but that's me. I have good friends that love cruises. Conversely, I know people who would never go to places like Hong Kong or Bangkok for vacation, but I love the energy of these big, crowded cities. And this leads to my problem. My idea of a vacation and my wife's idea of a vacation is not always the same. That in itself isn't the problem. The problem lies when I decide to take pictures. My wife knows I take pictures for work, so when I bring a camera on vacation, am I working or not? Are the pictures I take for an upcoming review, or is my primary motivation to take pictures to capture those moments that I can share with my wife and the rest of our extended family and friends?