Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bridge Pics and Equipment Debate

I'm facinated by cloud patterns. I love the big fluffy ones (aka Cumulus). Whenever I ride home and I see a bunch of clouds just hanging around, I stop and I take a picture.

I've posted 4 pictures, two are taken with my Minolta A200 camera, and the other with my Panasonic FX50. Both have similar pixel count, but notice the difference in over all texture of the images. Even though all pictures have been edited, they still have a distinct look, especially the grain pattern. I like the look of the Minolta (the top two pics) versus the Panasonic. There's too much smudgy noise reduction on the Panasonic pics..... too bad it was pouring rain when I shot with the Minolta (you can see where the raindrop hit on the first image), while the Panasonic got the killer clouds!! As mentioned earlier, my Panasonic FX50 is a cheap work camera, but is small enough to be on my hip whilst I ride my bike, so it's always ready to take a picture. My other cameras I have to pack in my bag and takes a lot longer to set-up before I can shoot.

The answer to my dilemma? Buy a better, smaller, work camera. Which camera? My dream would be the Ricoh GR D III. Next, perhaps the Canon S90. A reasonable option would be aused Panasonic FX35 or FX37. Sorry for nerding out on equipment....but you know what they say: Neither wise men nor fools can work without tools!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 00? Shipyards....

Well, I haven't posted any new pics for a while, only posting lost pictures from my picture a day project. I've got some input from others, and I think I'll do a few mini projects from time to time, and also post pictures when I've shot something interesting.
I don't think I've actually mentioned this in my blog, but I started this blog to get myself back into creative photography. I wasn't trying to take prize-winning pictures, and I avoided using my top equipment. In fact, I shot mostly on my cheap work camera... it takes not so good images. Noisy images even at a low iso 80, and then attempts to correct it with noise reduction that smears details. As well, most shots were taken on the go, at work, or commuting to and from work while on bike. I didn't use a tripod, nor did I spend time pondering over the shot. I see a shot peripherally while riding, stop, take the shot, then back to riding. Gone in 30 seconds!!
At home, I edit on a free photo editing program (Photoscape, found free online), and do so as quick as possible. The whole process is sloppy at best... haphazard photography. This style was inspired a bit by John Frusciante's (lead guitarist for RHCP) 6 albums in 6 months project. It wasn't about making each song or album perfect. It was about putting ideas down quickly, so the inspiration wasn't lost in overthinking the song, or in my case, the image.

Anway, I'm going on and on. I was at the shipyards today doing an install and took some cool shots. It's a heavy industrial and ugly place, but even there you can find cool pictures. I love it when the big horn blasts to announce coffee or lunch, and all the guys (and gals) go marching off, so it leaves the shipyard empty. That's when I take my 1 minute break, sip some tea, eat a cookie, and take a few shots. Here are some pics I took today (although 2 are from last week)..... sorry for writing so much!! My wife told me to keep it short and sweet!! Arghghgh!!! Stop writing.......

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lost Dogs

Pearl Jam had a double cd with all their b-sides and movie soundtrack and other obscure song releases throughout the years that were never officially released on any albums, and they released them all in one collection and called the album "Lost Dogs". These are my Lost Dogs, the pictures that never made the blog, but got pretty close..... ha ha.... lost dogs.....

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 30: Which House Do You Want?

This may be the last day of my project. I don't know how long I can keep this up, as fun as it is. I was thinking I would last 60 days, but perhaps 30 is the number. I did my long route home through Stanley Park and DT, knowing I'd find something cool to shoot. This was the last picture of the day for me. I found this uber modern house right next to an almost cliche ghetto-home. Colour isolation emphasizes the isolation of the house from the rest of its surroundings......

Although this may be my last day of my shooting and posting project, I will still post a few more pictures, perhaps the lost pictures... the shots that never made the blog.... I have a mess of cool shots that I mulled over posting or not posting......

Anyway, thanks for viewing. I don't think I got a single comment , and neither do I know if I actually have a viewing audience. But I had fun, and its got me back into taking pictures. I may eventually go public with this blog, just to see what strangers think.........

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 29: Painting with Light

I know, 2 days in a row of a bridge shot. I almost posted a cool picture of a block full of fluffy cherry blossom trees that made the street look like an insane tunnel of pink leaves ...... but I just loved this shot more. This is what I was trying to get yesterday. I love the swirly cloud patterns circling the rising sun, and how the industrial smoke climbs up into the sky and tries to join the clouds.....this picture looks so much like a painting to me, it definitely felt like I was painting with light this morning as I snapped this picture....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 28: Sunrise or Sunset?

There is a debate if there is a light quality difference between a sunrise versus a sunset. Some claim they can tell which is which from a picture. Others claim there is no difference, the quality of the light is the same going up or down. I don't know if there really is a difference, but there is something about a sunset that I like better than a sunrise. Maybe its the idea of it being the end of the day and the sun is the last thing that keeps the day "alive" until it disappears beyond the horizon. Or maybe its because I hate getting up early, so I see much less sunrises. Well, I took today's pic on the way into work, and I have to say, the light was pretty cool. I like how the factory smoke to the left and the single cloud puff above the train bridge tower sort of contrast each other, and I like the way the light hits the railway tracks to the right of the image... reminds of a Blue Rodeo album cover..... very little post processing. Contrast, sharpen, and slight vignetting..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 27: Do you really gain 5 pounds in pictures?

I think the saying goes for video, that you gain 5 pounds, but is it really true? I thought I'd test the theory. I've been a steady 160 for a few years now, and the "Healthometer" keeps me on tract since it's located in the staff washroom and I check it almost every day..... I just loved the name "Healthometer", and I visualized the picture in my head ahead of time. Totally worth getting another washroom shot. I mean hey, we all spend a lot of time in there right? I'm very regular. What can I say? Oh, and I just happened to be wearing my merino wool socks with the orange tips, so it kinda worked out in the picture.....

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 26: The reason why WD40 was invented....

I found this bike leaned up against a rail behind the MEC in N.Van. It's not locked up, but as you can see, there's no point. I don't know if the rust from the rail worked its way to the bike, or the other way around. You can smell the rust in the air. It makes for a cool pic though. I had to do some heavy handed post production work to isolate the bike from the goofy pink wall. Colour isolation, vignetting, focus blur.... I know, I'll try my best to stop using photo editing "tricks" to get my pic of the day. I'll try to find more pure shots with as little editing as possible. Tomorrow is a meeting night, so my shooting window of opportunity will be very small..... maybe I'll get more washroom shots at work.......

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 25: Zoom Zoom

When I was young, I dreamed about driving. The only way to satisfy this need was by playing with Hotwheels cars. As I got older, I continued playing with them, even though I did so in secret. My mom gave them all away when we got older, to the shock of all us brothers. When I got older and married, and after many years of driving, I realized I still wanted to play with Hotwheels.....well, maybe collect them and just look at them. Now that I have two nephews (and a niece) I've started buying for them as well...... I'll make sure their mommy's won't give them away when they get older!!

I took this shot on top of my wife's glossy black piano bench and used window light. I fisheyed the picture a bit, colour isolation and focus blur.