Monday, January 29, 2024

Bigheadtaco's Best Gear of 2023. What Are My Favourite Things?

This video is long. In the description I've time stamped all the major topics so skip to where you're most interested. I talk about merch at the end of the video. Thanks for watching.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Talking with Swedish Portrait Photographer Knut Koivisto at Fotografiska

My conversation with Swedish portrait photographer Knut Koivisto in Sweden. Last year I had the privilege of attending the Fujifilm X Summit and Fujikina in Stockholm, and I bumped into Knut on my way into the venue. He already knew me from Youtube, so he treated me like an old friend. I guess us photographers are like that sometimes. Thanks for the portrait Knut, and thanks for letting me capture yours. 


Friday, January 5, 2024

First Look: Billingham Mini Eventer vs Wotancraft Scout.

This is my third Billingham review, and my first chance to review one of the 'normal' bags, the Mini Eventer. However, calling the Eventer series normal isn't quite accurate. It looks similar to the Hadley series, but this is Billingham's take on a premium shoulder bag. The first thing you'll notice is the leather bottom of the Eventer bag. Then you may notice the lack of branding except for a small green label on the side. You may even notice the chunky SP50 shoulder pad and non-removable shoulder strap. What's up with this bag? 

If you currently have a Hadley Pro Small or Hadley Pro 2020, is it worth 'upgrading' to the Mini Eventer or the standard Eventer? It depends on what your priorities are. Since I don't have a Hadley to compare against, just for sizing, I decided to compare it against the popular Wotancraft Scout. It's similar in size (it's slightly bigger) and functionality. The design languages are very different, so I don't think photographers are comparing these two bags.  This is just my first look at the Billingham Mini Eventer, so wait for my full review, as well as my What's In My Bag series. 

Check out my first look at the Billingham 307
Check out my first look at the Billingham Overnighter
Check out my first look and What's In My Bag for the Wotancraft Scout

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

REVIEW: Fujifilm GFX100 II + GF55mm f/1.7 R WR.

It took me a while to finally edit this video, but here it is. What are my thoughts on the new GFX100 II? It's an amazing camera that I personally don't need for my professional or personal work. Perhaps one day I'll need it, but not at this time. However, if you do need a high resolution camera with top end lenses, the Fujifilm's GFX system might be right for you. If you do commercial work, wedding photography, or even commercial videography, the new GFX100 II is a camera capable hybrid digital medium format camera. 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

First Look at the Billingham Overnighter aka the 'Bowling Bag' or 'Engli...

When Billingham USA asked if I was interested in reviewing the Overnighter, I said yes. When I started researching the bag online, the first thing it reminded me of was a bowling bag. The second thing it reminded me of was those 1970s vintage ADIDAS pleather sports bags I saw as a kid and dreamed of owning, but never did. However, once I got the bag in my hands, I knew right away I would use it as a daily duffle, not an overnight travel bag. In a way, I feel this bag might have a bit of an identity crisis, which is a good thing. It's way more versatile than an overnighter. 

Yes, you can use this for travel, but you could probably also use it for shopping, going to the gym, school, or as a rugged albeit elegant work duffle bag. I can also see hobbyists (fishing, camping, RC racing, drone flying, etc.) using it to store and carry their favourite toys around town or into the wilderness. Stay tuned for my field test, but so far I really like my new English duffle bag. 

Sunday, November 19, 2023

What's In My Bag: Wotancraft Pilot 3.5L Leather Travel Camera Bag

Here we go again with my What's In My Bag series, featuring the new Wotancraft Pilot Leather Travel Camera Bag in 3.5L. I also show the 2L, but not a detailed look. Thanks for watching. Affiliate links below:

New Pilot 3.5L Leather $259 USD:
New Pilot 2.0L Leather $219 USD:
New Pilot Mini Side Pouch Leather:
New Parashooter Straps $79-99 USD (split ring or PD anchor):
New Parashooter Wrist Strap $39-49 USD:

Wotancraft Limited 2023 Holiday Gift Promotion:

#wotancraft #whatsinmybag #camerabag

Saturday, November 18, 2023

New Wotancraft Slings + Camera Straps. Bonus Gift Program Starts Now!

The new Wotancraft Pilot 2L and 3.5L leather camera sling bags, as well as the new Parashooter camera leather and paracord neck and wrist straps. My first look and impressions.

I'm always excited when Wotancraft sends me top-secret packages in the mail. This time they sent me two premium leather versions of the Pilot 2L and 3.5L sling bags and new camera straps. This is a long one, so if you're only interested in the new holiday bonus program, skip to 25:58 to find out the various bonus tiers starting at $130 USD. 

Please use code SGC10 to get 10% off the latest copy of Silvergrain Classics Magazine with my Hong Kong Neon project on the cover:

Article on Sean Flynn's Leica M2 and parachord strap:

Affiliate Links:
New Pilot 2.0L Leather $219 USD:
New Pilot 3.5L Leather $259 USD:
New Parashooter Neck Straps $79-99 USD:
New Parashooter Wrist Strap $39-49 USD:

2023 Holiday Gift Program:

Mini Rider Codura/leather $209 USD:
Mini Rider All Leather $319:
Standard Pilot Travel Camera Bag:
3.5l $119 USD:
Pilot Travel Camera Bag 7L $179 USD:
Full Leather Camo Camera Neck Strap 008 Tapered (Cura Split Rings):
New Pilot Mini Side Pouch Leather:

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Leica and Fujifilm and Travel, Oh My!!

For those of you who've been following me on Instagram, you know what I've been up to since the summer. For those of you who are confused, please watch this video where I try to explain all my traveling. Thanks for watching and happy shooting!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Andrea Pacella: How a Passionate Photographer Became an Executive at Leica

My interview with Andrea Pacella, VP of Global Marketing and Communication for Leica Camera AG. Please enjoy!